sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2016

Interview with teacher Ortega

Interview with teacher Ortega 
By: Bruna D. (28º), Diogo L. (8º), Isabella H. (18º) and Lucas V. (19º)

How long have you taught at Emilie?
Since 2012, so around 5 years of teaching.

Was becoming a teacher always your dream?
Yes, but I have many other dreams.

Do you have any favorite students?
I have many “favorite students”. The ones that work really hard. One of my many “favorite students” is called Mari Bernaddi, she is in New Zealand now.

At what age did you start teaching?
I started at 16. My friends would pay me to teach them, and I loved the feeling.

What is your favorite thing about teaching?
The discovery of the human being.

       If you couldn’t be a teacher what would you be?
I would be a farmer or a magician. I am actually working on my other dreams, like gardening and practicing magic. I am making my dreams a reality.

Introduction / Introdução


The idea of this blog is to show part of the production of year 7A in English throughout the 2nd and 3rd bimesters of 2016. Individual and group productions are here included. Some of them relate to the field trip the students went on in the center of São Paulo city. The newsletter genre allowed students to futher explore their linguistic abilities by writing a variety of texts. In the TV News, students were able to enhance their speaking and listening skills and, as a whole, their skills for working in groups.
The sections:

My Last Vacation - Each group of students chose a text to represent their group in the newsletter.

São Paulo Field Trip - Students produced texts about the places visited in this trip which took place in August.

Interview - Students interviewed either a teacher or a student from the 3rd grade of High School and asked them about their future plans.

We sincerely hope you enjoy our work.


Year 7A students and Teacher Maira 


A idea deste blog é mostrar parte da produção do 7o. ano A em Inglês ao longo do 2o e 3o bimestree de 2016. Foram incluídas produções individuais e em grupo, sendo algumas delas relacionadas ao Estudo de Meio ao centro de São Paulo. O gênero "newsletter" ou jornal escolar permitiu que os alunos explorassem suas habilidades linguisticas ao escrever uma variedade de textos. No "TV News" ou Jornal Televisivo, os alunos puderam aperfeiçoar suas habilidades de fala e escuta e, como um todo, as habilidades necessárias para o trabalho em grupo. 
As seções:

My Last Vacation - Cada grupo escolheu dentre seus textos sobre suas férias um que representasse o grupo. 

São Paulo Field Trip - Os alunos produziram textos a respeito de diferentes lugares visitados no Estudo de Meio realizado em agosto.

Interview - Os alunos entrevistaram ou um(a) professor(a) ou um(a) aluno(a) do 3o ano do Ensino Médio a respeito de seus planos para o futuro.

Nós esperamos que goste de nosso trabalho.


Year 7A students and Teacher Maira 

domingo, 25 de setembro de 2016

Nicole, Beatriz Gatz, Henrique, Caio - My Last Vacation

My Last Vacations

My vacation was awesome and really funny! The weather was really hot and really col at the same time.
        I went to a farm hotel and a camp. I wanted to go to Disney, but I didn’t.
        I played a lot of games in the pool, it was really nice. The best thing was that I was able to be reunited with my friends during my vacation

Arthur, Gustavo, Amanda, Gabriela - My last Vacation

Resultado de imagem para cachoeira caracol canelaMy last vacation...
         My vacation was very cool, I traveled to “Gramado-RS” with my Family. It was cold, it also snowed, we went to stores and we made tour with CVC.
         Besides this trip it was my birthday 12 years with my brother and my aunt. I and Augusto (my brother) we won one Cellphone (Augusto) and one computer (Arthur-I).
         The only thing that did not like was: My dad didn’t take vacation with my family.

Resultado de imagem para mcdonalds gramado

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2016

Beatriz Rinaldi, Diogo Martinez, Marina Alves, Rafael Kenzo - My last Vacation

My last vacation

My vacation was great! First me and Giulia, went to Rio Quente Resort. The weather there was awesome. It was very hot and we had a lot of fun together. We played very much! After this part of my vacation me and Giulia traveled again together, we went to Chile, it was very cold! We saw snow! We had a lot of fun there. It was amazing! When we came back, to Brazil, I had a surgery and then I couldn’t go with my friends to the park. The best thing of my vacation was traveling to Rio Quente Resorts and Chile with my best friend!


Resultado de imagem para pousada rio quente

Resultado de imagem para chile

Arthur de Oliveira, Amanda Melo, Gustavo Cunha Brito e Gabriela Evaristo - São Paulo Field Trip

Sé Cathedral
It's one of São Paulo tourist spots. It is very important for São Paulo and Brazil. It was built in different parts and times.
 The 1st started in 1591 but the building process started only in 1913, and it was opened on January 25th 1954. That was the year and the day that São Paulo completed 40 years.At school we saw the Catedral da Sé  which is well known for us and for everyone .
Resultado de imagem para imagens catedral da sé
By: Arthur de Oliveira Simões Pedro

Natália, Tiago, Bruno e Vinícius. - São Paulo Field Trip

Sé Cathedral

Metropolitan Cathedral of St. Paul or Se Cathedral is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Located in Cathedral Square, in the São Paulo city's Central Zone.
The Sé Cathedral is a very important tourist spot in the city of São Paulo.The Cathedral has undergone three renovations until arriving at the current model.
In front of the cathedral is the ground zero.
En route to the cathedral we observed many people living in precarious conditions, homeless and living on he sidewalks. 
The Cathedral, which is where the cathedral is located, is a very busy part of the city, where demonstrations occur. And also you have the subway.

By: Natália
