sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2016

Interview with teacher Ortega

Interview with teacher Ortega 
By: Bruna D. (28º), Diogo L. (8º), Isabella H. (18º) and Lucas V. (19º)

How long have you taught at Emilie?
Since 2012, so around 5 years of teaching.

Was becoming a teacher always your dream?
Yes, but I have many other dreams.

Do you have any favorite students?
I have many “favorite students”. The ones that work really hard. One of my many “favorite students” is called Mari Bernaddi, she is in New Zealand now.

At what age did you start teaching?
I started at 16. My friends would pay me to teach them, and I loved the feeling.

What is your favorite thing about teaching?
The discovery of the human being.

       If you couldn’t be a teacher what would you be?
I would be a farmer or a magician. I am actually working on my other dreams, like gardening and practicing magic. I am making my dreams a reality.

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