sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2016

Gabriel Comin, Gabriel Cruz, Melissa Oliveira, Bianca de Castro - São Paulo Field Trip

Patteo do Colegio

We visited the Patteo do Colegio that was the first construction of São Paulo, Patteo do Colegio was opened on January 25th,1554.
It was a school of 12 Portuguese priests that were teaching the Indians the Catholic  religion. In front of Patteo do Colegio, there is a plaza that is full of beggars and is full of water. Sometimes some men go and get the beggars belongins and after sometime they give them back.
Inside Patteo do Colegio there are some chairs and there is a part that has some Indians belongings. In my opinion Patteo do Colegio is a place for peoplethat like the Brazilian history.

Resultado de imagem para pateo do collegio
Pateo do Colegio
Resultado de imagem para pateo do collegioResultado de imagem para pateo do collegio

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