sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2016

Rafael Kenzo, Diogo Martinez, Marina, Beatriz - São Paulo Field Trip

                                               Pateo do Colégio

            The Pateo do Colégio is the first milestone in the birth of the city of São Paulo. The location, high on a hill between the Tamanduateí and Anhangabaú rivers, was chosen to start the indoctrination of the natives.
            On January 25, 1554, was held in front of the hut covered with palm leaves about ninety square meters or, as described by Anchieta, ten by fourteen carnation steps (craveiro step was a Portuguese linear measure). Mass which officialized the birth of the Jesuit School. This known as the Royal School of São Paulo of Piratininga.
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By:  Rafael Kenzo  Nº25 

Pateo do Colegio

When we went to the center the first place we went to was the Pateo do Colegio, something we  had already studied and we had already made a drawing about it at the art class! We saw many differences about what we had learned and what we saw there! I loved the place but I saw some problems, like the smell of that area, there are many beggars on the avenue. We saw a monument also!I liked a lot this school field trip! It was very nice!

Made by - Beatriz Rinaldi Ferreira.

                                               Martinelli’s Building

            Martinelli’s Building is a building located in the center of São Paulo, Brazil. It was the first skyscraper in Brazil and Latin American. It is located in the triangle formed by the street São Bento, Avenida São João and Libero Barbaro Street, in downtown São Paulo
            The construction of the building began in 1922 and was opened in 1929 with 12 floors. The building continued until 1934.The work ended when the building had 30 fools. The building was designed by Giuseppe Martinelli and by Vilmos Fillinger. With 105 meters high, it was the skyscraper in the country between 1934 and 1947.

By: Diogo Martinez      Nº9  

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  Law College

            I will talk about Law College of São Francisco, that was the first law college of São Paulo. We entered in the college and, we saw their courtyard, but we didn’t see their classrooms, because they were heaving classes.
            I talked with one student. She said that she liked to study there, because it is very good. And the Law College of São Francisco is the most appropriate college if you want to study law.
            This college is public but is it very good. This college can be much better than some private colleges, and many people that now are good lawyers studied in São Francisco Law College.

By: Marina N°21  

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